Disclosure for the purchase of shares of the company INTRADEVELOPMENT by the company INTRAKAT

According to Law 3340/2005 and the article 2 of the decision 3/347/12-7-2005 of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission, the company INTRAKAT discloses that, in execution of the decision as of 27-6-2006 of the Ordinary Shareholders Meeting and the relevant decisions as of 28-6-2006 of the Board of Directors, on 30-6-2006 it proceeded with the purchase by the company �NTRACOM HOLDINGS S.A.�and the distinctive title �NTRACOM HOLDINGS�of 9,500 registered shares of the societe anonyme «INTRADEVELOPMENT S.A. REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT�and the distinctive title «INTRADEVELOPMENT», which is headquartered in Peania, Attica. The shares represent 47.5% of the company� share capital and were purchased for euro 279.775,00.
Moreover, INTRAKAT discloses that, in execution of the relevant decision as of 28-6-2006 of its Board of Directors, it proceeded on 30-6-2006 with the purchase by the company �NTRALOT S.A. COMPLETE IT SYSTEMS AND LOTTERY SERVICES�and the distinctive title �NTRALOT� of 9,500 registered shares of the societe anonyme «INTRADEVELOPMENT S.A. REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT�and the distinctive title «INTRADEVELOPMENT», which is headquartered in Peania, Attica. The shares represent 47.5% of the company� share capital and were purchased for euro 279.775,00.
Following the abovementioned information, the share of participation of INTRAKAT in the share capital of INTRADEVELOPMENT rose from 5% to 100%.